Buccal Facial

A Buccal facial massage promotes a deep release of tight facial muscles (and ligaments) and a relaxation of surface tension which can result in the softening of facial lines, reduced puffiness, improved muscle tone, enhanced cheek and jaw definition and even improve TMJ (temporomandibular joint) symptoms.

Super tight muscles can inhibit healthy blood flow which can decrease the nutrients and oxygen that feed and supports the muscles.  This can also restrict the detox abilities in any tight areas which can lead to puffiness, drooping, sagging, and a dull complexion.  With many lymph nodes in the cheeks, jaw, and neck, a buccal facial massage improves lymph flow to reduce puffy eyes, dark circles, and sagging skin, while improving skin detoxification.

The Buccal treatment can be a game changer for toning the lower face area and to address TMJ pain.  It can help to rejuvenate the lower face, stimulate proper function of the muscle tissue and improve blood and lymph circulation for a more sculpted and youthful appearance. 

It is important to stay well hydrated after a treatment to help flush any toxins released during the session.  It is absolutely fine to carry on with your normal daily activities after a session, but we do recommend that you take it easy for the day.  You may experience a little fatigue after the treatment which can be normal.  In very rare cases client may experience cold like symptoms such as headache or slight body aches for a  few hours after the treatment, which can simply be a sign of your body’s natural healing and detoxification process in action as thing are getting flushed out of the system.