
VelaShape® is a non-invasive treatment for body contouring, and it can also be used to reduce cellulite. It is not a weight loss treatment, however; in fact, the ideal client will be at or very close to their healthy body weight. VelaShape® can be used on many parts of the body.

VelaShape® combines several technologies: suction, infrared light and bipolar radiofrequency energy. The suction, which is accompanied by rollers, draws the target area closer to the infrared and radiofrequency energy. The rollers massage the area while the infrared and radiofrequency energy melt the fat cells that the body’s excretory system then expels. VelaShape® also stimulates the collagen fibers, so they contract and pull the skin tighter. Thus, reduces both cellulite and the circumference of the treatment site. The client is slimmer and their skin is tauter without the dimpling effect of cellulite.

The most commonly treated areas are the thighs, buttocks, upper arms, and stomach. It can also reduce excess fat and mildly sagging skin under the chin.